Late Night Therapy Created with RNI Films app. Profile 'Fuji FP 100C v.6 Expired'
Late Night Therapy Created with RNI Films app. Profile 'Fuji FP 100C v.6 Expired'

Late Night Therapy presents ‘GENESIS’

He spent five weeks living and recording their profound new single "GENESIS" about life's cycles aboard a small sailboat with friends.

Up-and-coming artist Late Night Therapy has spent the last five weeks living aboard a sailboat with six friends to record their highly-anticipated new single “GENESIS.”

Check his previous works, When You’re Gone and Spinning.

The 24-year-old singer/songwriter/producer set up a fully-functioning recording studio on a boat itself. The goal was to be completely in not just the artistic process, but the driving themes of the new track – the cyclical nature of life and human existence.

‘GENESIS’ is really all about the constant cycles we experience as people – Late Night Therapy told us – The ups and downs of emotions, the sunrise and sunset, beginnings and endings, death and rebirth – it’s this endless loop humanity is caught up in.

To authentically capture those motifs in the music itself, Late Night Therapy decided to take the vagabond recording approach of living aboard a small sailboat with their closest friends and creative collaborators for over a month. The tight quarters and rocking of the ocean waves naturally infused the recording sessions with the metaphorical and literal ebb and flow of life’s cycles.

The space you create art in absolutely shapes the art itself. By recording GENESIS’ while constantly moving through the literal motions and surroundings of life’s cycles out on the water, it brought so much more meaning and story into the songs. – Late Night Therapy

Late Night Therapy Created with RNI Films app. Preset 'Agfacolor 40's Aged'
Late Night Therapy Created with RNI Films app. Preset ‘Agfacolor 40’s Aged’

Working by day and sailing by night, Late Night Therapy and their mates rode out stormy swells that mirrored emotional turmoil, and idyllic calms that echoed inner peace. The intense closeness brought periods of bonding and friction, not to mention soggy recording mishaps when unpredictable waves came aboard.

But through it all, the intrepid musical nomads stayed focused on capturing Late Night Therapy’s highly personal and profound exploration of life’s endless cycle through “GENESIS.” A cycle they experienced first-hand by quite literally living out at sea and at nature’s mercy for over a month.

With both the harrowing and enlightening experiences now immersed in “GENESIS,” Late Night Therapy can’t wait to share the deeply symbolic fruits of this unique labor with fans when the single drops on May 14th.

This whole process was its own genesis story. We quite literally rode the cycles of life while creating an artistic interpretation of those cycles. I’ll never be able to listen to this song without being transported back to that rocking boat and the profound lessons I learned out on the open waters. – Late Night Therapy