Miller and Beatport team up to bring local artists to the spotlight

The Global Initiative Celebrating The Electronic Music Scene Across Six Nations And Supporting Those Driving It

Beatport and Miller Mix in Istanbul
Beatport and Miller Mix in Istanbul

Miller and Beatport just recently announced the start of Miller Mix.

But, what is it?

Miller Mix: everything you need to know

Miller Mix is a global project to find, support, and celebrate the next big thing in electronic music.

The goal is to bring “Miller time,” the beat of connectivity when music, friends, and Miller come together for a more refreshing, original time, to life through the local electronic music scene in six countries: Turkey, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Australia, and South Africa.

Miller Mix’s competitors come from the fact that there isn’t much help in the electronic music scene for up-and-coming artists who want to start their careers.

Youth Music says that “lack of industry connections” is a big reason why 77% of new artists want to get into the music business.

A strong feeling of community is also fostered by the electronic music scene. 75% of attendees felt deeply connected to the scene, according to one report.

Building true connections thanks to the music

Miller Mix wants to build community and encourage connection. This will be done through six events in six countries. They’ll be all live events as Miller Mix emphasizes the importance of social ties for mental health.

Miller Mix has started a competition for electronic music producers. They aim to help them get their careers off the ground and play with big names at 6 big events, such as Lilly Palmer (Turkey), Argy (Kazakhstan), Gioli & Assia (Hungary), and more that will be revealed soon.

Miller will start an inspiring documentary series at the end of each local event.

Local and up and coming artists are the key

The series will tell the unique stories of local artists and city residents. It will look at the amazing culture of the cities that were the background for the event.

In every country, the campaign is open, and up-and-coming producers are welcome to send in their songs.

The winners will be chosen by a panel made up of the main acts at Miller Mix events, members of the Beatport curation team, and members of the Miller Genuine Draft team.

Votes from the community will also be counted. The winners will play as the main act at the Miller Mix event in their own countries. Beatport will also put together a package of perks worth over €5,000 for each winner to help them advance in their careers.

People can apply to be a Miller Mix creator right now.