Cercle Odyssey, the new 360° immersive concert

Cercle is launching a new era in live touring entertainment - the world’s first nomad concert structure of its kind

Cercle Odyssey
Cercle Odyssey

Cercle announced the first nomad musical structure of its kind in the world. This marks the start of a new era in live touring entertainment.

Cercle Odyssey brings together music, technology, and new ideas to make an unforgettable trip for people all over the world.

Cercle Odyssey: a 360° immersive concert where phones are not allowed

The innovative idea changes the usual concert structure, going beyond limits and boundaries to create an all-encompassing sensory experience.

My current obsession is to create the shortest connection between the music played by the artist, the video narrative that we will present live on the screens and the audience’s emotions. I want to connect these 3 things together at the deepest level and I believe this is still underdeveloped in the entertainment industry. If, by the end of a Cercle Odyssey show, I see people on the dance floor literally moved to tears, then I will consider it a success. – Derek Barbolla (Cercle founder and Creative Director)

Cercle Odyssey will change the way people experience concerts. It combines live music with a new kind of visual storytelling in a 360° projection scene.

This modern odyssey, based on the story of Ulysses, offers a multidimensional experience: Odyssey comes to each person, making them feel like they’ve accomplished a lot when they get home after a long trip.

Visually, we will keep up and even transcend our very specific and unique Cercle signature. The videos will be real, human and natural. We feel that we need this sort of humanity in the content, in a world where we sometimes feel disconnected from nature, from Earth… We are actually going the opposite way of most of the visuals we currently see in the electronic music scene. We will be working with the amazing Neels Castillon as a film director and the narrative and visual structure of Cercle Odyssey will revolve around the universal quest of “returning home,” inspired by the adventures of Homer’s hero. A few characters will evolve through encounters, beautiful landscapes, and natural phenomena, which merge through a prism of vivid and intimate colors. Each concert will be completely unique, and will unfold like a living painting. – Derek Barbolla

Neels Castillon, who co-founded Motion Palace, will be in charge of directing Cercle Odyssey’s videos. He will add his own unique style of storytelling to them.

His work has a unique style and a deep understanding of art. It looks at how people relate to nature and its huge, unexplored areas.

The lineup and the artists

Cercle Odyssey will work with artists from a wide range of styles and backgrounds to make musical programming.

Later this year, the acts that will play at Cercle Odyssey will be made public.

Cercle’s set design is a work of engineering and creativity that combines cutting-edge technology with environmentally friendly materials.

The scenography we created for Cercle, in its pure form, serves as a bridge between the event venue and the surrounding world, like a panoramic window onto the planet we inhabit. The monumental doors that comprise Odyssey transport us on a journey between dream and reality, between sky and earth, through space and time. – Victor Perrin & Samuel Chatain, RAINBOW, Scenography Studio

No more LED walls; Cercle chooses projectors

Cercle Odyssey
Cercle Odyssey

The 2300 m² of huge projection screens that surround the crowd are a big part of how technically advanced the show is.

These cutting-edge screens are 10 to 12 meters (40 to 40 feet) tall and 55 meters (180 feet) long.

They are based on standard movie screens and show a changing set of high-quality 8K images that are perfectly timed with the music.

Cercle Odyssey is unique not only because it uses cutting-edge technology, but also because it cares about the environment and rents out all of its sound, light, and screens locally.

Cercle doesn’t have to move around a huge load of LED screens because they use 29 high-tech projectors instead of standard LED screens to light up the set.

This cuts down on energy use and pollution from movement by a huge amount. The use of screens is also an impressive piece of technology.

The team at Cercle seamlessly integrates these projectors to make an experience that is just as beautiful as traditional ways while leaving behind less of a carbon footprint.

No phone policy

To make sure that everyone in the crowd can fully experience what’s going on, phones are not allowed at all inside the set.

This helps everyone feel like they are there and connected, which makes the experience stronger as a whole.

As a farewell gift, though, each guest will get a box with videos from Cercle.

In short, what’s Cercle Odyssey?

  • What is Cercle Odyssey? A new nomadic concert structure blending live music with 360° projected visuals.
  • What makes it unique? Immersive combination of music, visuals, and narrative storytelling in a panoramic environment.
  • Who creates the visuals? Director Neels Castillon is known for capturing human/nature connections.
  • What kind of music? Artists whose music resonates both audibly and visually.
  • How is it sustainable? Local equipment rental and projector setup minimize emissions.
  • No phones allowed? Yes, to allow full immersion. Filmed content is given as a souvenir.
  • When/where is it touring? 2025 dates/locations TBA. Pre-register for early notification.